Tuesday, March 23, 2010

you're either with her or against her

Caroline was playing with her ponies, and I noticed one of them suspiciously placed across the coffee table.

I interrupted her and asked, "Why is Sweetie Belle over here all alone?"

"Huh? Oh, Sweetie Belle. I'm afraid she's an evil-doer."


Erica said...

This made me smile on a blue day! Thanks!

Kate. said...


tristan elizabeth said...

the minds little ones have is truly amazing. i wish i knew to hold onto that creativity when i was younger. that would just open a whole new world.

Jill said...

You finally knocked some sense into her about those ponies, eh? Still ponyville all day, every day here. *sigh*

Mrs. Beer said...

hahaha! I just came upon your blog accidentally and HAD to follow it. What a cute concept for a blog!!

OKinUK said...

Have been reading older posts and just dying laughing. I've got a three year old daughter. Star Song is usually the evil doer/ne'er do well.

Your daughter sounds absolutely amazing. Congratulations!