Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Caroline's Nana and Papa sent her a much loved Tonka garbage truck for Christmas. The only down side to this garbage truck is that Tonka did some kinda pathetic product design and the garbage man that came with the truck doesn't actually fit inside the cab -- the cab that has doors that open and torture 2.5 year olds who seek order and a nice resting spot for said garbage man.

Every day, she begs me to get "The Man" to sit in the truck. I explain that we can fit him in there laying down across both seats if we hang his feet out the window. But she insists that he must sit and drive the truck. I tell her repeatedly that this is impossible.

"You just have to keep trying, Mama."

So I put forth a very convincing attempt with loud grunts of difficulty and shrug and say, "He just doesn't fit, Caroline."

"Mama. You just have to try again."

Repeat 37 times. Today was no exception. I attempted to persuade her to just let him ride on the outside.

"No, mama." She slammed her fist on the table. "You can do it!! If you don't try, you will never win."

Move over Tony Robbins.

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